CAP Metro
Meeting Name: Board of Directors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/30/2021 12:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Videoconference Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
AI-2021-191 1.MinutesApproval of minutes from the July 19, 2021 Capital Metro board meeting.adoptedPass Action details Not available
AI-2021-145 2.ResolutionApproval of a resolution appointing Fangda Lu to the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee.adoptedPass Action details Not available
AI-2021-177 3.ResolutionApproval of a resolution appointing Michael Mena to the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee.adoptedPass Action details Not available
AI-2021-124 4.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or his designee, to finalize and execute a contract with UNUM for basic life and AD&D insurance, long-term and short-term disability insurance; and FMLA administration paid by Capital Metro, and voluntary life , long term disability buy-up, accident, whole life and critical illness, paid by employees in an amount not to exceed $1,752,882.adoptedPass Action details Not available
AI-2021-134 6.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or his designee, to finalize and execute an Interlocal Agreement with the University of Texas at Austin for bus services and fare programs for an estimated revenue of $21,050,000 for a period of three years starting September 1, 2021.adoptedPass Action details Not available
AI-2021-135 7.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or his designee, to modify the Herzog Contracting Corp. contract #200655 for the replacement of four bridges, increasing the original Board authorized amount by $201,923 for reinforced concrete box culverts.adoptedPass Action details Not available
AI-2021-143 8.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or his designee, to finalize and execute an Interlocal Agreement with the Texas Transportation Institute for a period of five years for provision of research in a variety of areas to facilitate Capital Metro's delivery of transit services on an as needed basis in an amount no to exceed $2,500,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
AI-2021-155 9.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or his designee, to extend an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Travis County for employee transit passes for a period of one year from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
AI-2021-117 1.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the establishment of the Capital Metro Transit Police, as a component of the Capital Metro Public Safety Program, to enhance service to Capital Metro customers and public safety.adopted as amendedPass Action details Video Video
AI-2021-123 2.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or his designee, to finalize and execute a contract for health plan administrative services for a three-year base period and three one-year options with United Healthcare in an amount not to exceed $15,384,283 for administration of third-party administration services and stop loss insurance for the Capital Metro self-insurance health and dental plans.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
AI-2021-133 3.ResolutionApproval of a resolution adopting a Board Operating Procedures Policy and amending the Capital Improvement Program Policy.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
AI-2021-136 4.ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or his designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Modern Railway Systems, Inc., for the construction of the Lakeline to Leander Double Track Project, plus optional McKalla special track components for a total not to exceed amount of $8,301,404, which includes a 20% contingency.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
AI-2021-192 1.PresentationsBus Operations Updatepresented  Action details Video Video
AI-2021-152 2.PresentationsCapital Metro 2021 Perception Surveydeferred  Action details Video Video
AI-2021-153 3.PresentationsUpdate on Project Connect.deferred  Action details Not available
AI-2021-154 1.PresentationsPresident’s Reportpresented  Action details Video Video