Approval of a resolution by the Board of Directors offering Dorothy Watkins the position of General Manager and President & Chief Executive Officer of the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority under the terms and conditions reflected in the attached Employment Agreement. Upon acceptance of this offer by Dorothy Watkins, the Board Chairperson is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement.
Funding for this action is available in the FY2023 Operating Budget.
Strategic Goal Alignment:
? 1. Customer ? 2. Community
? 3. Workforce ? 4. Organizational Effectiveness
Strategic Objectives:
? 1.1 Safe & Reliable Service ?1.2 High Quality Customer Experience ? 1.3 Accessible System
? 2.1 Support Sustainable Regional Growth ? 2.2 Become a Carbon Neutral Agency
? 2.3 Responsive to Community and Customer Needs ? 2.4 Regional Leader in Transit Planning
? 3.1 Diversity of Staff ? 3.2 Employer of Choice ? 3.3 Expand Highly Skilled Workforce
? 4.1 Fiscally Responsible and Transparent ? 4.2 Culture of Safety ? 4.3 State of Good Repair
EXPLANATION OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: While the action is linked to and supports all goals in the strategic Plan, it primarily supports the goal to hire and retain the highest quality workforce starting with the President & CEO who is charged with leading the organization.
BUSINESS CASE: Section 451.106, Texas Transportation Code, requires the Board of Directors to employ a General Manager (President & CEO) to administer the daily operation of the Authority.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This item will be presented to the full board on January 30, 2023.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The recruitment process for CapMetro's President & CEO was initiated last summer following the resignation of Randy Clarke to accept employment with another transit agency. Since that time, the Board has con...
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