Approval of a resolution approving the CapMetro Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan ("the Plan"), authorizing the President & CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute the Plan, and setting a program to provide relevant and useful information to the Board of Directors.
This action has no fiscal impact.
Strategic Goal Alignment:
? 1. Customer ? 2. Community
? 3. Workforce ? 4. Organizational Effectiveness
Strategic Objectives:
? 1.1 Safe & Reliable Service ?1.2 High Quality Customer Experience ? 1.3 Accessible System
? 2.1 Support Sustainable Regional Growth ? 2.2 Become a Carbon Neutral Agency
? 2.3 Responsive to Community and Customer Needs ? 2.4 Regional Leader in Transit Planning
? 3.1 Diversity of Staff ? 3.2 Employer of Choice ? 3.3 Expand Highly Skilled Workforce
? 4.1 Fiscally Responsible and Transparent ? 4.2 Culture of Safety ? 4.3 State of Good Repair
EXPLANATION OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: The Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan provides strategic direction to the President & CEO and CapMetro as whole with regard to safety and security priorities of the CapMetro Board and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
BUSINESS CASE: Federal regulation requires operators of public transportation systems that receive FTA funds to develop and implement a Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) and review, update and approve the PTASP annually.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This item will be presented to the full board on December 16, 2024.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) regulation (49 CFR Part 673) requires certain operators of public transportation systems that receive federal funds under the FTA Urbanized Area Formula Grants to develop an Agency Safety Plan (ASP) that includes the processes and procedures to implement a Safety Man...
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