Approve a resolution appointing Juan Garza, Veronica Castro de Barrera, and Kammy Horne as the nominees recommended by the Nominating Committee for the positions of Community Expert Director representing Finance, Engineering & Construction, and Community Planning or Sustainability, respectively, to the Austin Transit Partnership Board of Directors to terms beginning in January 2025.
This action has no fiscal impact.
Strategic Goal Alignment:
? 1. Customer ? 2. Community
? 3. Workforce ? 4. Organizational Effectiveness
Strategic Objectives:
? 1.1 Safe & Reliable Service ?1.2 High Quality Customer Experience ? 1.3 Accessible System
? 2.1 Support Sustainable Regional Growth ? 2.2 Become a Carbon Neutral Agency
? 2.3 Responsive to Community and Customer Needs ? 2.4 Regional Leader in Transit Planning
? 3.1 Diversity of Staff ? 3.2 Employer of Choice ? 3.3 Expand Highly Skilled Workforce
? 4.1 Fiscally Responsible and Transparent ? 4.2 Culture of Safety ? 4.3 State of Good Repair
EXPLANATION OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: CapMetro has partnered with the Austin Transit Partnership and City of Austin to ensure the successful implementation of Project Connect.
BUSINESS CASE: The current ATP Board of Directors' terms will end December 31, 2024. The five-member Board of Directors is comprised of three Community Expert Director positions, a representative appointed by the City Council, and a representative appointed by the CapMetro Board. The three Community Expert Director positions are jointly appointed by the Austin City Council and CapMetro Board of Directors with a term to begin January 2025.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This item will be presented to the full board on December 16, 2024.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This item appoints the Nominating Committee's recommended nominees, Veronica Castro de Barrera, Juan...
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