Approval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with MTM, Inc. for contracted Demand Response Pickup and CapMetro Access Services for a base period of five (5) years, plus one (1) three (3) year option, and two (2) one (1) year options totaling ten (10) years potential contract length, for a total cost including 5% contingency in an amount not to exceed $731,510,509.
Funding for this action is available in the FY2024 Operating Budget
Strategic Goal Alignment:
? 1. Customer ? 2. Community
? 3. Workforce ? 4. Organizational Effectiveness
Strategic Objectives:
? 1.1 Safe & Reliable Service ?1.2 High Quality Customer Experience ? 1.3 Accessible System
? 2.1 Support Sustainable Regional Growth ? 2.2 Become a Carbon Neutral Agency
? 2.3 Responsive to Community and Customer Needs ? 2.4 Regional Leader in Transit Planning
? 3.1 Diversity of Staff ? 3.2 Employer of Choice ? 3.3 Expand Highly Skilled Workforce
? 4.1 Fiscally Responsible and Transparent ? 4.2 Culture of Safety ? 4.3 State of Good Repair
EXPLANATION OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: As the contract mechanism responsible for all CapMetro's Paratransit & Pickup services, this contracted Contractor will play a key role in delivering the mission as defined by the strategic plan.
BUSINESS CASE: The Demand Response department is responsible for coordinating the operations and activities of all CapMetro Contractors for Paratransit (CapMetro Access) & Microtransit (Pickup). This includes coordination of contract management, data collection and analysis and quality assurance activities for both vehicle operations, vehicle maintenance and building maintenance. As the contract mechanism responsible for all CapMetro's Paratransit & Pickup services, this contracted Contractor (contractor) will play ...
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