Approval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or her designee to finalize and execute an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the State of Texas through its government entity, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, for digital document scanning and future document storage services starting November 1, 2024 with a termination date of August 31, 2026 in an amount not to exceed $3,500.
Funding for this action is available in the FY2025 Operating Budget.
Strategic Goal Alignment:
? 1. Customer ? 2. Community
? 3. Workforce ? 4. Organizational Effectiveness
Strategic Objectives:
? 1.1 Safe & Reliable Service ?1.2 High Quality Customer Experience ? 1.3 Accessible System
? 2.1 Support Sustainable Regional Growth ? 2.2 Become a Carbon Neutral Agency
? 2.3 Responsive to Community and Customer Needs ? 2.4 Regional Leader in Transit Planning
? 3.1 Diversity of Staff ? 3.2 Employer of Choice ? 3.3 Expand Highly Skilled Workforce
? 4.1 Fiscally Responsible and Transparent ? 4.2 Culture of Safety ? 4.3 State of Good Repair
EXPLANATION OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: CapMetro's Real Estate & Right-of-Way Department (the "Department") manages a record inventory consisting of 162-miles of railroad right-of-way, real property and land assets. Preserving these archives to the "highest standards" by partnering with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission demonstrates CapMetro's commitment to excellence and ensures CapMetro's archives are properly maintained for future generations.
BUSINESS CASE: Authorization is required to execute the ILA for the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to commence the work. The funding for these services is included in the FY2025 operating budget and will be included in the operating budget for future fiscal years. The maximum amount of this ILA shall not exce...
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