Approval of a resolution authorizing the President & CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract modification with Unifirst Corporation for maintenance uniforms, towels and laundering/mat cleaning services, which includes a ratification amount of $65,223, and additional funding of $134,777 to fund the remaining contract term which ends April 6, 2025, in a new total contract amount not to exceed $666,838.
Funding for this action is in the FY2025 Operating Budget.
Strategic Goal Alignment:
☐ 1. Customer ☐ 2. Community
☒ 3. Workforce ☐ 4. Organizational Effectiveness
Strategic Objectives:
☐ 1.1 Safe & Reliable Service ☐1.2 High Quality Customer Experience ☐ 1.3 Accessible System
☐ 2.1 Support Sustainable Regional Growth ☐ 2.2 Become a Carbon Neutral Agency
☐ 2.3 Responsive to Community and Customer Needs ☐ 2.4 Regional Leader in Transit Planning
☐ 3.1 Diversity of Staff ☒ 3.2 Employer of Choice ☐ 3.3 Expand Highly Skilled Workforce
☐ 4.1 Fiscally Responsible and Transparent ☐ 4.2 Culture of Safety ☐ 4.3 State of Good Repair
EXPLANATION OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: CapMetro is committed to being an employer of choice which includes providing maintenance uniforms.
BUSINESS CASE: CapMetro is obligated to provide maintenance uniforms under the contracted bus operation and maintenance contract. The rental of uniforms is the fiscally prudent solution to meet that obligation.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The item will be presented to the full board on November 25, 2024.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As an employer of choice, CapMetro provides uniforms for vehicle, building, and facility maintenance staff. This rental contract includes weekly cleaning of pants and shirts, as well as the provision of winter jackets and insulated coveralls for those staff who work outdoors, and miscellaneous supplies such as shop towels and walk-on floor mats. Unlike operators who launder and care for their own uniforms, the nature of heavily soiled maintenance uniform cleaning is better serviced by a professional heavy duty cleaning service.
The original contract, when awarded in April 2022, was under the financial threshold for seeking board approval. In December 2023 approval from the board was received to increase funding for the expansion of uniform services to include additional staff and additional cleaning services. This board action will allow for continued uniform rental services through April 2025.
An amount of $65,222.21 will be overspent on the contract before Board approval and will be included in the modification resolution as a ratification. An additional amount of $84,277.79 is required to cover continued services through the end of the contract term on April 6, 2025.
DBE/SBE PARTICIPATION: The contract has a 0% SBE goal, and does not include subcontracting opportunities.
PROCUREMENT: A contract was awarded to Unifirst Corporation for Rental and Laundering Services of Uniforms, Mats, and Shop Towels, on April 4, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $104,791.40 for the base year. The contract was modified on April 4, 2023, to apply Option year 1 in the amount of $142,512. The contract was modified a second time on November 22, 2023, for additional uniform and laundering services in the amount of $6,488.00 for a total amount of $149,000. The Contract was modified a third time for additional uniform and laundering service in the amount of $63,047.00 after Board approval per resolution # AI-2023-1020 on December 18, 2023, bringing the total contract amount to $316,838.40. The contract was modified a fourth time on April 4, 2024, to apply the final option year in the amount of $149,999.00 bringing the total contract amount to $466,837.40. Modification 5 is now required for additional employee uniforms and laundering services due to the growth of the Authority in an amount of $200,000.00, in which $65,223 is being processed by ratification as an over expenditure. The total not to exceed Contract amount for the remaining contract term is $666,838.
Description |
Lump Sum Amount |
Awarded Contract Amount - Base Year |
$104,791.40 |
Modification - 1 - Option Year |
$142,512.00 |
Modification - 2 - Additional Uniform and Services |
6,488.00 |
Modification - 3 - New Employee Uniforms and Services |
$63,047.00 |
Modification - 4 - Final Option Year |
$149,999.00 |
Modification - 5 - Additional Funds for Uniforms and Services |
$200,000.00 |
Grand Total Not to Exceed |
$666,837.40 |
RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Bus Operations and Maintenance
WHEREAS, the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors and CapMetro management endeavor to be an employer of choice by providing uniform rental and cleaning services to maintenance employees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors that the President & CEO, of her designee, is authorized to finalize and execute a contract modification with Unifirst Corporation for maintenance uniforms, towels and laundering/mat cleaning services, which includes a ratification amount of $65,223, and additional funding of $134,777 to fund the remaining contract term which ends April 6, 2025, in a new total contract amount, not to exceed $666,838.
____________________ Date: ____________________
Secretary of the Board
Becki Ross